What if Darwin had access to today's technology, especially the internet and all this web 2.0 stuff? As it is, he was an incredibly well-connected / networked guy for the first half of the 19th century, corresponding with all manner of people from all over the world, from top scientists of the day to breeders of dogs and pigeons, and even amateur beetle-fancying shoe-salesmen. Would he have been more or less productive with access to blogs/facebook/twitter/friendfeed etc? We'll never know... but we can try to map his prodigious correspondence and writing onto these modern devices and re-create a web 2.0 version of Darwin, can't we? Has someone created a facebook page for him yet? I dunno, but it might just be a matter of time. I just discovered (thanks, Bora) the The Voyage of the Beagle as a blog! This is how he would have done it, surely - blogging his travels as modern-day explorers do. And, of course, if Darwin blogged, surely he would've micro-blogged, on twitter! So if you are a twitterer, you can follow Charlie's twitter stream as well!
Vaccine for HIV kickstarts key immune cell shift
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